People with diabetes own their diabetes data. Period.
We provide you with intuitive, well-designed tools to access your data, and beyond that, you're in complete control of your data.
You control how much you share and who you share it with. You're also in control of the impact your data has on the rest of the diabetes world by, for example, donating your data anonymously for researchers, device makers, and innovators to use in research.
Always put people with diabetes first.
Our software is designed for clinicians and people impacted by diabetes. We have chosen to be a nonprofit organization so that we can always prioritize the needs of the diabetes community over profit-maximizing investors.
Operate with openness and transparency.
We value openness and transparency with our users, supporters, and team. Our code and designs are open source — our employee handbook is, too. You can always see what we’re working on to improve the diabetes community’s relationship with their data.
Engage with regulators and help improve regulations.
We operate in a highly regulated space, including FDA (Food and Drug Administration), HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), and other regulations. We interpret regulations in a way that is best for the safety of people with diabetes and the efficacy of the products we deliver. We engage early and often with regulators, and work with them to embrace modern software development techniques and processes.
Start small and iterate quickly.
We believe that the best path to safety, efficacy, usability, and functionality is to start small and then iterate. We often deliver a Minimum Viable Product and iterate and update based on feedback from real users in the real world.
Embrace the unknown.
As a company, we realize that we won't have all of the answers. We believe in listening to our users and making changes based on their feedback.
We also make the underlying platform of our software available to other developers and innovators, and allow our users to access their data through other applications and services of their choice.
Fight the default of exclusion.
Inequality and exclusion are the defaults of software development and medical device industries. Without intentional effort to address barriers to access, we inherit those failings and worsen the problem.
Building a diverse team is a moral imperative, and we build a better business and product by bringing different perspectives to the table. We continue to look to build a team of diverse voices because they are the only ones that help us grow.