One of the milestones in any open source project is when someone from outside the project makes a contribution. Today that happened for us. An open source developer made a small but useful change to one of our projects, submitted it as a pull request, and it was accepted and merged into our master branch.
Every contribution helps!
This is wonderful. We hope it is only the first in a long line of contributions to Tidepool from a large number of open source contributors.
Perhaps you're thinking "how do I get me some of that action?"
Here's how: check out our developer page at -- there you'll find a lot of information and links to the things we're working on. We're trying to document ways people can help in the various repositories. If you're just itching to help in any way that makes sense, the best thing to do is contact us and let us know what skills you have, and we'll be happy to help you figure out what we need most right now. If you have particular talents or interests, let us know that too!
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