You control your data, and we protect it
We believe in being as transparent as possible, and we will always keep you informed about exactly how your data is used. You own your own data, and we will never do anything with it without your explicit permission.
The information on this page is meant to be a brief summary of our privacy practices. For more detailed information, see our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Please contact us if you have any questions.
You own your data
You own your data. Period. How much or how little information you share is completely up to you. Share it with anyone you choose: caregivers, clinicians, endocrinologists, friends, researchers — anyone. Donate it anonymously to help researchers, device makers, and innovators. Or keep it all private. Your data is yours to control, and we make sure it stays safe.

Personal information and data sharing
Tidepool only collects the information you provide us which includes, but is not limited to your diabetes device data. We use this information to provide features like visualization and data analysis, improving and personalizing your Tidepool experience, providing support, or contacting you about any account changes or notifications. You can read our full Privacy Policy for more details.
A few details about third party data sharing
Tidepool only shares your information with your permission. For example, when you opt-in to the Big Data Donation Project, we might share your anonymized data with researchers. If you’re using Tidepool Mobile on an iPhone and you connect to Apple Health, Tidepool Mobile will send your data to Apple Health.
Control and choice
You own any information, data, notes, and files that you upload, store, and manage using the Tidepool Apps or that are added by you or your Care Team Members. You can decide who has access to your account, and how much access they can have. You can export your data or delete your account any time. Your data is yours to control.
For all the details how your information is stored, used, and shared, please read our Privacy Policy. Questions about your data? Contact us at
Privacy for people with diabetes
Tidepool uses industry standard security measures to encrypt sensitive personal data and complies with all HIPAA, privacy, and breach notification rules. We also comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the European Union's data protection law.
For more detailed information, please view our Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, and our Security, Privacy, and Regulatory Technical Documentation.