Tidepool for telemedicine
There are new telemedicine demands on all clinics today. This central hub provides the Tidepool resources you need as a clinic to get started, get patients ready for their appointment, and other industry resources.
“When we can’t connect face-to-face to manage diabetes together, we can still have helpful and meaningful exchanges remotely.” Howard Look, Tidepool President and CEO.
How Tidepool can help you with your telemedicine visits
Streamline your workflow with a single technology supporting multiple devices to allow you more time with your patients.
Simple and straightforward for your patients to upload their diabetes data.
Copy and paste data into patient chart notes, highlighting endpoints like insulin pump settings, time in range, total daily insulin and more.
Telemedicine Resources
Resources for your clinic
Whether Tidepool is new for your clinic, or you are working on getting more users up and running, we have a toolkit of telemedicine resources available to support your needs.
Getting started guide
Get up and going with Tidepool in six steps.
CPT® codes for remote patient monitoring
Learn how to pursue reimbursement for using a tool like Tidepool.
Register to attend webinars focused on Tidepool for telemedicine, demos on our products, keys to effective visits, Q&As and more.
How Tidepool makes remote work work — Tools and technology
Tidepool is a 100% remote distributed organization. We will soon have 50 employees and contractors in 13 states and seven countries. We don't have an office. Everyone works from home.
Resources to share with your patients
Find templates for suggested communications with your patients to prepare for their telemedicine appointments, and helpful getting started guides.
Pre-drafted emails from clinics to patients
Seamlessly cut and paste content from these email templates to help your patients prepare for their telemedicine appointment.
Getting started guide
Share our getting started guide for users with your patients to help them get up and running with Tidepool in just five steps plus opportunites to prepare for your visit. Available in English and Spanish.
Tidepool Uploader guide
A quick-reference guide to getting started and using Tidepool Uploader. Available in English and Spanish.
Share our support site with your patients so they can access detailed support resources and connect directly with us if they have questions.
Social media assets
We have curated content for you to share on your social media networks to help your patients prepare. In this document you will find text you can cut and paste, as well as imagery you can download to enhance your posts.
Learn at your own pace with our clinician video tutorial
"Tidepool is the Swiss Army knife of diabetes data platforms, it is our first choice to view data. It has the ability to accept data from multiple devices and display it together all on one timeline in a way that adds insight to your diabetes management."
Mark Harmel
Clinical Research Coordinator and Diabetes Care & Educational Specialist
at the USC Westside Center for Diabetes
Additional information from the community
Coronavirus + Diabetes
Coronavirus and type 1 diabetes: Answering your questions
Resources on COVID-19 for People with Diabetes
Top Ten Tips for Successfully Implementing a Diabetes Telehealth Program
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and diabetes – What you should know
We Love Our Patients - We Just Don't Want to See Them in Person Right Now
Need help converting your clinic to remote? We are at your service.
As people touched by diabetes in our own lives, we want you to know that we are here for you. Our team is online and ready to support you with flexible tools for enabling telemedicine between you and your healthcare team.
Please reach out and let us know if there are other ways we can help.